VortexHealing® Awakening Stories

Losing the Core Veil was like getting rid of a too small, too tight piece of clothing. Coming home, I always felt closer to the trees; they looked to me more green, and bright. Later the 'I' was just an empty echo in the head, not in the heart. The 'life movie' gets easier.

I want to say that the 7-day Embodiment class is now one of my favorites ever. I think the best way to describe what it did for me is that it fundamentally changed my experience of myself from being a person experiencing Awakeness, to that of Awakeness experiencing this person. It's a big difference! In addition, my psychic vision is much, much better, I feel like I have a positive, friendly relationship with the whole universe, and I really enjoy having a place to go and rest - quiet emptiness - whenever I need it.

After awakening to 0-self [a certain level of awakening], my nervous system was in shock for a while as I had lost a sense of navigation that depended on self and other. It was as if I could no longer get a grip on anything and for months my vision would try its hardest to grip on what it saw as other and couldn't. It was quite unsettling and this continued for months before settling down, as if the one looking for other just eventually ran out of steam. Then it just relaxed into what is.

For me, a lot of absolutely crazy fear came up to the surface. My mind was going bonkers trying to find that familiar sense of 'I' in my system. My whole life I was so deeply in survival that I made myself believe there was no survival energy in my life. I was always incredibly brave, and needed to accomplish so much that fear was not an option, so I made myself believe there was no fear. Haha... was I ever in for a big surprise....

Many years ago I hurt my foot while training in a gym and I needed to go to work the next day. So I took two Solpadine, which is a painkiller and contains codeine. Not only was my foot in less pain but I felt the edge was taken off the day. So the second day I took two more, and because my foot was in less pain the second day, I noticed even more how the edge was gone from the day. When I say "edge" I mean some kind of harshness, if you can understand that. So I noticed after my second awakening class that this edge or harshness was gone from my life and has never come back. A lot of women in Ireland are addicted to codeine products and now I know why. And all they need is self-realization-cheaper in the long run and better for them.