VortexHealing® Awakening Stories

It has been very interesting for me to look at what has changed or is changing since basic awakening. For me it is like a permanent connection to the divine, so much inner peace and freedom. It's like to be in a permanent inner flow - living my life from my heart - and everything follows this flow and works the best for me. There is already the well-known inner struggle but it doesn't touch me like before. My life feels like adoring the divine all the time. I can feel the love of all creation - which I never felt before. When I first felt VortexHealing energy in my body I knew that this would be my path, like coming home.

On the first day of class 14th October, when losing my Core Veil, my voice to me felt clearer - it feels like it lengthens and is stronger, like I was in a chamber and the voice is somehow distant to me, but is clear and is 'here'. I felt like I am more myself, normal, and so very relaxed, comfortable in my skin.

That night I rang my husband, and he did not recognise me! He said, in a loud voice, "Who are you"? I said, "It's me." He did not connect. Then I said again, "It's me." There was a long pause, and then when I spoke again, he said, "Oh, it's you." We have been married for 25 years and that has never happened before.

Before the Awakening the BodyMind class I was seeking the Absolute to escape the Relative. And in this class, for the first time, I truly embraced the Relative... the whole human experience. I really got to see that it wasn't an either/or... that the Absolute contains the Relative. I got to see the Divinity in it all, even in humans, and that conditioning is not bad, it just is.

After the movements where we cleared the two levels of ego imprint on our nervous systems, the change in my body was like nothing I have ever experienced before. It really felt like I was on drugs! I dropped deep into my body and simultaneously stretched out into the vastness. It was an extraordinary experience, which left me feeling very still and present. Sitting in the park at break that day, I can truly say that for the first time in my life, I felt a part of this world, part of Gaia and part of humanity. The separation and judgment of myself and others fell away and compassion came flooding in.

The shift has remained and I am so grateful for the presence that I feel right now because I am having to sell my remaining belongs due to lack of funds/space for storage. The thought of doing this prior to the course brought up huge amounts of fear and panic. Now, I am able to stay present and do what needs to be done without getting all emotional.

I can cry from gratitude. What happened with me after Awakening to Divinity feels so permanent. There is so much silence in me. Such a peace. . . . Nothing much wants to happen from within. Only being with me. And enjoying that a lot. A lot of being on my own. (or being with my daughter, I enjoy that too). Not feeling/ wanting to meet friends, then something in me rather wants to be with me, and with the solitude and peaceful feelings within me.

It is really something. That I have been able to work through things as deep despair, fear, fear of loneliness. That this, in this lifetime was possible...

I just had to write and tell you about this shift that is Awakening to Divinity. On the tube just now, the sense of oneness is palpable and it's as if there is no separation at all. It's in the visual field and also the felt sense. It's as if everything I was ever moving towards has happened. And within that there is an understanding of why I only ever wanted one thing, which is awakening. I see how right it was not to get into other stuff just because everyone else was, because I only ever authentically wanted this. There is also a sense of gratitude that runs very deeply and that feels like coming home. I feel so thankful for my life and all the gifts I have been given in order that I have this opportunity for everything to centre in Truth.

This is truly amazing...

And my clients think so too. The person just now was blown away by how deep the session was and by the alignment she felt with me.

It is really amazing to feel no sense of separation at all. Incredible. I never believed this could really happen. It is totally different to any class before. It's been 2 weeks [since the end of class] and I still feel this. Life goes on - in a full-on way - especially a particular thing, which is on my mind a lot, but it makes no difference. The oneness, Divinity, continues.