VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

My son has Spina Bifida and he has the worst type, which is Mylo Menigcele. His lesion is at lumbar 4 - lumbar 5, which leaves him with very very limited to no sensation from the waist down. And he regularly gets dicuvitis ulcers on his buttocks and his feet. Before the VortexHealing, he had 3 large ones: one on his buttocks and one on each foot. VortexHealing structures were put in them. And within a week the one on his right foot completely healed, the one on his left is becoming minimal, and the one on his buttocks, which was down to the bone and not healed at all, started to heal from the inside/up, as it should.

A man came with very bad arthritis, and when he came through the door he said his arthritis was so bad today his son had to help him get the coins out of his purse. The arthritis was so bad, he couldn't get a job. He knew nothing about any of this kind of work, but I met him in a shop and had a conversation with him, and he came in. After 10 minutes he said, “I have to tell you I don't have a pain anywhere in my body.” When he got up he opened his purse to offer me some money and he said, “Look. I can pick up the money.” When I spoke to his wife 10 days later, she said that when he came back, he was a different man. He slept for 3 nights and it was the first time he had slept through the night for 6 or 7 years because of the pain. I saw him over 6 months later, and he had remained better than he had been for years. He had remained completely pain free for 2-3 months from that one session. And now, he occasionally got the odd twinge but not like it used to be.

I've had about 20 sessions with a client with chronic and severe migraines, major distrust of her body and the Divine and kidney stones. She has 3 kidneys and multiple stones in each one. She had one stone that had been embedded outside the bladder for about 9 months and her doctor said there was no way it would move without an invasive procedure she had already endured twice before and was wanting to avoid at all costs. We worked solely on moving that one embedded stone for about a month before she went in for a scan. The session before her doctor appointment we worked on surrender; surrendering the stone, the fear, the attachment to outcome. I surrendered to Merlin during the session for whatever would be most helpful. She went to her appointment fully expecting needing to schedule the surgery and learned that the stone was gone! For the first time she has faith that her body can heal, that it is not her enemy, and that her prayers are heard and can be answered. I've had about 20 sessions with a client with chronic and severe migraines, major distrust of her body and the Divine and kidney stones. She has 3 kidneys and multiple stones in each one. She had one stone that had been embedded outside the bladder for about 9 months and her doctor said there was no way it would move without an invasive procedure she had already endured twice before and was wanting to avoid at all costs. We worked solely on moving that one embedded stone for about a month before she went in for a scan. The session before her doctor appointment we worked on surrender; surrendering the stone, the fear, the attachment to outcome. I surrendered to Merlin during the session for whatever would be most helpful. She went to her appointment fully expecting needing to schedule the surgery and learned that the stone was gone! For the first time she has faith that her body can heal, that it is not her enemy, and that her prayers are heard and can be answered.

My cat has already been transformed by VortexHealing! He went from being very anxious to pretty calm. I think he picks up the healing I do on myself as well. Also, a very dear friend has had pain in her hips for decades and now she feels much better after just one session! I continue practicing on myself mornings and evenings.

A friend of mine’s dog had a kidney infection for which the vet had prescribed some medication. A few days into the medication the dog became worse and was taken to the vet again and was given a dose of morphine to get her up and running again. However, she reacted really badly to this and my friend thought it was her dog’s last days and took her off the medication completely. The symptoms were that she was restless, drinking lots of water, not sleeping and generally really low energy and looking really rough. It was two days after stopping the medication that my friend asked me to help.

I tuned in and started channeling. I could 'see' the kidneys as being full of shadows, or how I saw them was white with dark shadows, so I just channeled into them with the intention that they should be full of light without the shadows. The shadows gradually disappeared until I saw the kidneys as glowing with bright white light.

My friend told me the next day that the dog had slept through the night without being restless or having to get up for water, in the morning her intake of water was far less and there was a "significant change in her condition" and by the end of the day appeared to be "back to normal". I then channeled for ten minutes or so more, just for nurturing.

Almost two weeks later, the dog has been fine ever since, and is her normal old self.