VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

During a recent VortexHealing class, I used the new technique of re-networking the brain to try to improve my psychic sight. My intention was to "optimize my brain's ability to pick up information from the third eye, and to bring that information to conscious awareness." It made an incredible difference - more so than any single thing I've done so far! Detailed images of what I'm "looking at" come much more clearly and easily now, which has greatly aided in healing self and others.

Later, I used the same technique with the intention of "silencing the unneeded mind-chatter in my brain." This was quite lovely, as well. My surface thoughts slowed down a bit, but even more interesting was that this "background murmur" disappeared -- like what you hear at a party where you don't hear any specific voices but they all merge together making a sound in the background, which I didn't notice until it disappeared. Afterward, I felt more grounded, present, and connected to my senses and environment. It was very sensual.

A lady came here to run a retreat the other day who had pneumonia, and her students were about to drive her to hospital. Her system was very low, so I got it up and fixed a broken divine line. Her voice totally changed from a croak to a clear utterance. She felt instantly better and was over the moon and could not stop enthusing about it. Her severe back pain was alleviated enabling her to stand for far longer periods almost immediately.

My best friend from college plays a lot of sports, and for many years now he has played on a local league baseball team as a pitcher. Last year, his arm was hurting too much to pitch, and when he had it examined, the MRI showed that a small bit of his tendon had separated from the bone in his shoulder. Most people choose not to do anything about it, because it will only hurt when you pitch baseball and the only other option is to have surgery and 6 months of physical therapy. However, he REALLY loves playing baseball and was considering the surgery, so I convinced him to give VortexHealing a shot with 10 sessions to see how it went, and now he's pitching with only the normal soreness that he's always had. He's still taking it easy, and he's getting "maintenance" treatments from me, but according to his doctors he shouldn't have been able to do even this much without excruciating pain.

Between that, and the fact that I was able to completely clear out his Pink Eye overnight, he now seems to be a believer in VortexHealing.

The other day I did a little healing on someone, who just looked like they needed a little something. She was a friend of a friend who only spoke Spanish, but I asked her if she would be open to a little energy healing. She had a Band-Aid on her middle finger and I ask her what was wrong with it. I was told it was a hangnail. I thought “no big deal” and started to run some Vortex!

Merlin showed me to break some Timelines and fix divine lines and then do energetic intervention on the finger and then on her arm. It was all done under 10 minutes or so. She looked lighter and more happy right away. I was amazed by the amount of shakti that was coming out for all of it. Also, wondered why all this fuss for a little hang nail.

She came back the very exit day crying with joy to tell our friend the good news. It turns out that the hangnail was infected and she also had no feeling in her arm most of her life due to bad circulation. She is in her sixties and the last time she was at the doctor they spoke of amputating the arm because of all arm issues she has had since she was a child. She was crying for a hour in such joy she the could hardly speak. For the first time in her life her arm does not hurt, she can actually feel her arm alive with energy and the infected finger completely healed over night.

Thank you Merlin for such powerful healing tools and deep transformation that completely changes people's lives!