VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

I had a teenaged patient who was so electro-magnetically sensitive that she couldn’t be near microwaves, fluorescent lights etc., and each time the sun did a burp (solar eruption), she broke out in hives, was blind with migraines, had intense body pains etc. She hadn’t been able to attend school for years and had hardly any friends. She was extremely smart and talented, and her dream was to study graphic design/animation, but often could not bear to be in front of a computer.

After five sessions, she is feeling normal and symptom-free—for the first time in her life— and is going off to college on her own and catching up on living the life of a teenage girl!

A man who was about to have a neck tumor extirpated started to receive sessions to relax before the surgery. He had many fears, insomnia, tachycardia, the feeling of choking, difficulty swallowing. In the first sessions, the symptoms diminished. He indicated he felts better. He took six more sessions and had a consultation with his doctor to go over the studies and to coordinate the day and time of the operation. The doctor checked him out but couldn’t find the tumor. The studies were re-done and it appears that there’s a remission of the tumor. He continued to have sessions once a month.

My son [11 years old] has mild asthma. If he had milk products during the day, by the evening there was a lot of mucous build up, with coughing and wheezing. Since using the VortexHealing allergy desensitization technique on him for milk, he has had absolutely no mucous reaction to milk of any sort.

I noticed the advice on genetic modification for insulin uptake. I thought I'd mention I did a genetic modification for this on my father and it improved the proportion of sugars present in his system by about a third. This is as measured daily for three months. My father is a very thorough record keeper and he moved from regularly measuring 10-14 at least once a day on a scale of 1-20, the optimum being below 5, to being below 9 at his highest daily peak (averaged number).

My 63-year-old aunt, who is an OB nurse, said she wanted to try VortexHealing. It was her first experience with energy healing, and she was nervous. She said afterwards she saw lots of light and colors and felt waves of energy moving through her.

Two days later, I asked her if God or angels had ever appeared for her. (She is a Presbyterian and attends a weekly Bible study group.) She told me that twice in her life, in times of crisis, she has prayed for help and God has appeared as a light. Both times the experiences were very moving and transformative. "That's how I knew the healing you did was real," she told me. "It was the third time I experienced God."