VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

While sitting with a client (I am a psychotherapist) suffering from residual pain from recent Rotator Cuff Surgery and limitation in range of motion with his left arm (he was unable to reach and lift a glass of water without assistance of his other arm), I noticed his discomfort and struggle to drink a glass of water. I offered him a VortexHealing Session sitting across from each other. I ran Vortex Energy for about 3 minutes, working with white light and Merlin's Divine Healing Essence. Upon completion he felt relaxed and experienced a significant improvement in range of motion. He could lift the glass without pain or assistance from his other arm and could lift his arm overhead, something he said he could not do upon arrival. He was astonished as was I.

I worked on a man who'd had Lyme for nine years. I did one hour of work to burn out the infection and a viral co-infection, and then catch up his system to the removal of the infection. I then followed that up with four 15 min sessions every other day over the next week, to ensure that the infection stayed knocked down. I discovered and cleared out yet another viral co-infection during those follow-up sessions. Eight weeks later the man went to his doctor for tests and found that there was no trace of either the Lyme nor any co-infections.

I worked on a fellow student who'd been having severe hot flash symptoms associated with the onset of menopause. She had tried acupuncture, supplements, and even bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. But still, the symptoms persisted. During a class she talked with Ric who recommended a genetic modification. A week after the genetic modification, the hot flashes (which had been occurring multiple times per day) had completely disappeared, even after she had reduced her intake of the bio-identical hormone replacement by half. She plans to completely wean herself off the hormone replacements over time, and, if needed, will get another genetic modification if the symptoms return during that process.

I had a big success treating viral-based chronic fatigue. A young lady of 18 had been a sufferer since 11 years old and after three sessions it has completely cleared from her system. I did the sessions over six months ago and the symptoms have not returned.

A lady who has had headaches every day since she was a teenager (she is now in her fifties) was symptom free after a few sessions using energetic intervention [an advanced VortexHealing technique] and channeling to work on issues and blocked energy lines to her head.